
A TARDIS for your ORM - application level time travel in PostgreSQL

Доклад, 16 июля

A TARDIS for your ORM - application level time travel in PostgreSQL pdf Скачать

What do you do when your requirements say you need to be able to reproduce the exact same results that a query did sometime in the past? Including to be able to reproduce incorrect statistics on data that has since been corrected? And being able to reproduce exactly which rows were returned by a query in the past?<br /> <br /> Well, you do like any time lord would do - break out the TARDIS. Or maybe just use PostgreSQL...<br /> <br /> This talk will outline a technique to use some PostgreSQL features, including range types and exclusion constraints/indexes, to trick an ORM application to work with transparent time travel, with the goal of close to zero modifications to the application, while maintaining consistency.