
Organizational details of the conference.
14 jul. 2015
The time has come, dear friends. Tomorrow starts PG Day'15 Russia. For your convenience, we publish organizational details that will help you navigate the conference.
Digest of the upcoming talks and promo!
10 jul. 2015
Let us present you with a digest of the upcoming talks that were announced this week. Also we are happy to announce a promotion from our partner
Oleg Bunin at PG Day!
06 jul. 2015

Dear friends, today we are going to reveal the last unknown in our program, the plenary session that opens the conference. Oleg Bunin is going to tell us everything that he thinks about PostgreSQL and, most important of all, about the Russian PostgreSQL community!

2 weeks left!
03 jul. 2015
Dear friends, we are pleased to announce that after hard work that we've done the goal is very close. Only 2 weeks before the conference, that we have been preparing for almost a year. We are confident that our work will not pass in vain, and you will be happy with the result. In the meantime, another digest of the teasers that were announced this week!
Welcoming statement for the conference participants!
01 jul. 2015

Dear friends, only 15 days are left until the beginning of the conference! On 15th of July the event hall in St. Petersburg will open its doors for all the guests for an intense 3-day marathon dedicated to PostgreSQL and everything that surrounds it. 

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