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    Henrik Ingo


    Henrik Ingo has worked 4 years at MongoDB. Initially as a Solutions Architect working with European customers, he's now in R&D on the performance team. Prior to MongoDB he was active — and an activist — in the MySQL space, and employed by MySQL (MySQL NDB Cluster team), MariaDB and Galera Cluster. Henrik is the author of the book "Open Life: The Philosophy of Open Source"

    Доклады 2

    How MongoDB replication follows and improves upon the Raft algorithm

    MongoDB 3.2 introduced a new replication protocol: version 1, or pv1 for short. While still similar to the original replication protocol (pv0), it adds some robustness improvements found in the Raft algorithm. Raft is an algorithm introduced in a series of academic publications by Diego Ongaro. It's a short and simple leader-based replication algorithm, popular in particular due to its design goal of being remarkably simpler than Paxos and other predecessors.



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