Postgres Pro Enterprise for developers
Plan of the tutorial.
1. Postgres Pro EE — what's difference to the vanilla one?
2. 64-bit XID — no need to have mandatory vacuum very 2 billions of transactions.
3. Temporary tables — now faster.
4. Autonomous transactions — logging and irrevocable operations. How to transfer bitcoins safely?
5. Running tasks on schedule and once in a lifetime. What's another way to transfer bitcoins safely?
6. Table partitioning — we know connections and parameters!
7. Multimaster — in an honest manner. Coordinated copies, Согласованные копии, resistance to catastrophic failures, transparent scaling of read operations. JDBC & haproxy.
8. Table transfer — no more speed limitations on import. Terabytes per second are possible.
9. Scheduler hints — the plans will never go wrong.
10. Adaptive Query Planning — how to teach a database server that all women who operate heavy machinery weight more than 100 kg..
11. pg_variables — simply session variables.
And much more!